Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

bt#40: stAllio! – sword to your mother

stAllio! - sword to your motherbt#40: stAllio! – sword to your mother

release date: october 2, 2015

you had probably forgotten that line, buried in the liner notes for 2008′s wack cylinders, that read “part one of a trilogy i haven’t named yet.” and who could blame you? there have been three other stAllio! releases since then! but stAllio! never forgot, and the trilogy that still hasn’t been named continues with part two — sword to your mother.

part two continues many of the loop-based appropriation techniques of part one, and throws in a few new tricks. it’s a little glitchier, a little less chatty. it’s a meditation on death and dying technology. it’s a free download.

download mp3s:

  1. this could be close
  2. a thing of the past
  3. a kind of death
  4. winding up
  5. an added advantage
  6. like a broken mp3
  7. everything’s silent
  8. this failed future
  9. tainted canvas
  10. proud and stupid
  11. computer graveyard

download as ZIP:


stAllio! – tainted canvas from Benjamin Berg on Vimeo.

bt#39: humdrum – sivok

humdrum - sivokbad taste #39: humdrum — sivok

release date: october 2, 2015

sivok is a direct result of forced entry.

humdrum returns with more heavy drums and gritty basslines that make your speakers hum.

download mp3s:

  1. march to the dead
  2. switchback
  3. skaths rupture
  4. facility of destruction
  5. wired souls

download as zip:

bt#38: stAllio! – on the DLL

cover artbt#38: stAllio! – on the DLL
release date: december 19, 2012

stAllio!’s triumphant return to the world of sonified data! once again, stAllio! plunges deep into his hard drive and listens to the data — image files, executables, and link libraries alike are converted to sound for his review. the choicest bits of data are then meticulously assembled into music: glitchy melodies, skittery rhythms, and thunderous beats emerge from the digital noise. you could call it IDM (interpreted data music), dirty 8-bit, or glitch-hop. stAllio! used to call it databent music, but these days prefers the simpler term data sound.

this is stAllio!’s first full-length release in the data sound style (his label debut, dissonance is bliss!, and 2004′s true data 12″, were both EPs) and his first release as a pay-as-thou-wilt bandcamp download. so stream it online, download it for free if you’re feeling cheap, or even chip in a few bucks for your music the way people used to — but whatever you do, don’t sleep on this!

includes 10 brand-new data sound bangers from stAllio! and a bonus remix by schaedel!

stream/download on bandcamp!

bt#37: animals within animals – produce, abuse, resample

bt#37: animals within animals – produce, abuse, resample

release date: february 29, 2012

every four years comes a day that shouldn’t be—a horrible mistake of a day, like someone’s played a prank on the calendar. we tack an extra day onto the end of february because we have nowhere else to put it; the other months are too crammed full of days already, and poor february has so little… but it’s not enough; like a bad toupee, it just draws more attention to the problem.

animals within animals chose this day, february 29, to release their new album, produce, abuse, resample. did they choose this date to say that this release, like leap day, is an artifact of our damaged system—a kludge, an attempt to fill some vaguely perceived cultural gap using whatever they had on hand? did they choose the date as a wry acknowledgment that it takes them too long to put out material? did they just do it because it sounded cool? because they wanted it out in february and that was the last possible day?

none of these questions will be answered when you hear the album. but on that hourlong odyssey of noisy collage, ritualistic beats, ambience, and profanity, you just may learn what happens when you find a stranger in the alps.

the download is free—as in “free samples”.

download mp3s:

  1. portmanteau
  2. last splash (hello darkness)
  3. approach the world through your ears
  4. four-letter edit
  5. ritual sample abuse
  6. destroy 2000 chip shop windows
  7. rub your head
  8. i don’t need to deal with this shitty music
  9. covered with scorpions
  10. that beeping stuff
  11. rectum abortion music
  12. beautiful stranger
  13. computer scooter
  14. something is wrong
  15. noise is wrong
  16. who?
  17. supposedly there’s a heaven but no one can prove it
  18. abused sample ritual (meta etc mix)
  19. four-letter edit #2
  20. witches in nature’s colors

download as ZIP:

bt#36: baconhanger – descensus inferos

baconhanger - descensus inferosbt#36: baconhanger – descensus inferos

release date: january 8, 2012

baconhanger is back with four new tracks of breakcore brutality! descend ever deeper into punishing rhythms and demonic dissonance. the download is free, but what will be the cost to your soul?

download mp3s:

  1. Descensus Inferos
  2. Sacrifice
  3. Malleus Maleficarum
  4. Demon Power

bt#35: dr. butcher m.d. – finis hominis

bt#35: dr. butcher m.d. – finis hominis

release date: december 29, 2011

…END OF YEAR…END OF MAN! Over three long years have passed since he last hexadecimated humanity, but once again the elder of eldritch electricultronics, DR. BUTCHER M.D., rises from his cipherous crypt of dark secrets to issue his indictment against mankind as judge, jury & hexecutioner. He returns armed with sixteen more tales of terror, with sinister sounds spanning from sickadelic breakcorror to haunted hip-hop and other obscure oddities in-between, all thoroughly versed in the arts of psychotronic cinemageddon. OUST THE CADENT & BLESSED BE OBSCURITY!

  1. I. K-ZONES
  3. III. ASUBHA PT. 1
  11. XI. ASUBHA PT. 2

this program has been formatted for CD;
there should be no gaps between tracks.

download zip:

all mp3s provided here are 192kbps

if that’s not good enough for you,

buy the 320kbps MP3/FLAC/OGG @ Bandcamp

bt#34: animals within animals – macho EP

animals within animals - macho EPbt#34: animals within animals – macho EP

release date: august 18, 2011

a musical tribute to a longtime unofficial bad taste mascot, as only AWIA can deliver! we remember macho man randy savage, from his wrestling career to his rap album to his classic catchphrase… and who could forget his slim jim commercials? concludes with a moving eulogy delivered by macho man himself!

artist website:

artist facebook:

download mp3s:

  1. i remember macho man
  2. i bet you any money that the macho man would dig this shit
  3. savage distortions
  4. beef + spice
  5. oh yeah
  6. eulogy

download zip:

bt#33: baconhanger – legion

baconhanger - legionbt#33: baconhanger – legion

release date: august 16, 2011

it’s been three years since the release of his debut, but baconhanger hasn’t been slacking off—he’s been sharpening his production skills! the beats and textures are as punishing as ever, but now they cut like a knife instead of bludgeoning you into submission. call him legion, for his breaks are massive!

download mp3s:

  1. Prey
  2. The Ripper
  3. Sabbat
  4. Witchcraft in America
  5. Amduscias
  6. Evilspeak
  7. Seventh Gate to Hell

download zip file:

bt#32: stAllio! – a huge smash

stAllio! - a huge smashbad taste #32: stAllio! – a huge smash

release date: september 14, 2010

artist website:

artist facebook:

download mp3s:

  1. rockin’ the pop charts
  2. beat jacker
  3. i will destroy you
  4. who do you think you are?
  5. you’ve got to be joking
  6. better than yours
  7. your guitar is skipping
  8. greatest orchestra hits
  9. that new shit
  10. pull up to my buffer
  11. standing athwart hammertime

bt#31: stAllio! – mash smarter not harder EP

stAllio! - mash smarter not harderbad taste #31: stAllio! – mash smarter not harder

release date: may 1, 2008

artist website:

download mp3s:

  1. introducing the new style
  2. mash smarter not harder
  3. on the shoulders of giants
  4. the future sound of retro
  5. the future sound of retro (the future sound of remixing by drbmd)