bt#20: animals within animals – mono a mono

animals within animals - mono a monobad taste #20: animals within animals – mono a mono 2cd

release date: october, 2001

artist website:

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from the discography: 2 hours & 21 minutes of text manipulation, databending, & dark beats spread across 2 cdrs, totalling 58 tracks. learn the “truth” about parasites, mating rituals, arachnophobia, the internet, & the sanctity of turkey leftovers. possibly the most ambitious release ever on bad taste.

disc one:

  1. hello
  2. lowonice17edit
  3. mass commercial appeal
  4. lowonice2
  5. the birthday song
  6. birthday to prayer
  7. a prayer for cold turkey
  8. amen track
  9. survival of the fist
  10. foley-granular
  11. kilkilkingilling
  12. lowonice15long
  13. gitchy gitchy sticky wicky booty pop
  14. lowonice1
  15. firepower
  16. mikeradio segue
  17. leather bunny rabbit craft bracelet
  18. lowonice10
  19. the Geek
  20. lowonice7
  21. treehugging
  22. my father in heaven
  23. SRA
  24. she blinded me with her ass
  25. 128k segue
  26. the ultimate internet portal
  27. masturbation
  28. kelev power steering
  29. lowonice6
  30. flight of the tumbleweed
  31. this concludes this side

disc two:

  1. warning: disc 2 begin
  2. a quick correction about disc one
  3. (song)^4
  4. sprout segue
  5. people for the ethical treatment of dinner
  6. dead segue
  7. we really care about your parasites
  8. rubber duckie segue
  9. bad attitudes attract girls
  10. pussycat segue
  11. room 850
  12. are you kidding me?
  13. cake segue
  14. spiders & snakes
  15. fabulous object segue
  16. billy ray’s all-purpose product
  17. intro segue
  18. how to throw a frat party
  19. lowonice4
  20. sick sick sex
  21. lowonice11
  22. big bang babble
  23. lowonice9long
  24. never say never stop again
  25. lowonice13
  26. crappniess is a warm gun
  27. end track

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